Episode 110 - Crash Test Dummies for WWIII with Immortal Technique

Immortal Technique shares his wealth of knowledge with the pod today. The Peruvian-born rapper & activist talks about the lessons he learned growing up, when and why he became active in the Palestinian fight for freedom, how the US used the aftermath of 9/11 to start a war in Afghanistan, and how Christian Zionists are funding much of the occupation’s actions. Immortal shares how propaganda was and is spread going all the way back as far as Napoleon and how it’s still be used as a weapon today. He touches on some of his lyrics and the inspiration behind them, and he unpacks many of the headlines we’ve seen in recent news. It’s a pleasure and an honor to speak with him today in this incredibly unique episode.

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Episode 111 - Genocide/Work Balance with Chris Smalls


Episode 109 - Christmas is Cancelled