Palestine Pod Palestine Pod

Episode 128 - NYT Killed Medo Halimy

Lara and Michael investigate how the occupation is repeating the atrocities they’ve committed in Gaza for the past 11 months in the West Bank. More than 70% of the streets in Jenin have been bulldozed, and only within a few days. Lara points out how the Biden administration only talks about ‘lessening the civilian casualties’ rather than sanctioning Israel for the genocide. She goes on to highlight why polio vaccinations have been allowed by the Israeli government; it’s purely to protect Israeli children from getting the disease which has already paralyzed at least one Palestinian child. In an act of resistance, Medo Halimy would plant and tend to his garden, citing that the Israelis only take life, but Palestinians create it. He was recently killed in an Israeli airstrike while on the beach with his friends. Michael talks about New York University updating its code of conduct to include zionism as a protected class, and how no other political ideology has this protection. Meta continues to crack down on Palestinian sentiment by censoring posts mentioning zionism in a political context; Michael points out that the very nature of zionism is political; an apolitical zionist post does not exist. Lara mentions how the US has said nothing regarding the mass rape of Palestinian prisoners. Michael points out how the media were the first to be tried at the Nuremberg trials, and Lara emphasizes the legal precedents of media outlets, like the New York Times, being held accountable for inciting violence through their publications; she cites the Rwanda genocide and 3 journalists found guilty along with the importance of independent media at a time like this.

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Palestine Pod Palestine Pod

Episode 126 - Guns, Germs, and Steal

Lara and Michael both admit to sitting Netanyahu’s speech in congress out, even though America’s elected officials stood for him 58 times. They joke about the multiple suitcases of dirty laundry that he’s brought to the United States for years, and Michael points out that the west also supported the Nazi regime at its height. Lara dissects his claims regarding having killed almost no civilians, while doctors in Gaza testify to treating children with multiple sniper wounds to the head and chest; clearly by design. Lara emphasizes the importance of rebutting the narrative and she uses South Africa’s written narrative of apartheid to counter false claims as the example. Nearly eradicated diseases, such as polio, have begun to to spread throughout Palestine. It’s clear that this is part of Netanyahu’s plan to ‘finish the job’. In political news, Lara breaks down how and why the two main Palestinian factions, Hamas & Fatah, have joined together to present a united front. She goes on to point out how Mahmoud Abbass called off the 2021 elections, and how new, free and fair elections are vital for Palestine to establish a democracy. The duo also points out the hypocrisy of organizations like JNF (Jewish National Fund) and how they participate in greenwashing.

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