Episode 074 Resistance is the only Option

Background/Contextualizing Sources

Convention on the Rights of the Child | OHCHR

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid (B'Tselem)

A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution (HRW)

Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, rights group says (The Guardian)

Al-Haq: Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan: Ongoing Nakba and Israeli Dispossession of Palestinians (IMEMC News)

Videos/Social Media

Racism and Colonialism Explain This. They Expect Us to Die: Noura Erakat (on X)


24 hours of hell: Israeli settler gangs terrorize Palestinian town under army protection (Mondoweiss)

Shu’fat refugee camp rises up against collective punishment (Mondoweiss)

Palestine: Jerusalem refugee camp under siege (Middle East Eye)

Humanitarian Impact of Israeli Siege of Shu'fat Refugee Camp (UN, WHO et al Report)

Palestinians strike against Israeli siege on Shu'fat Refugee Camp (Al Jazeera)

Is Palestine on the brink of a full-scale revolt? (The Electronic Intifada)

Palestinian doctor killed in Israeli raid on Jenin (New Arab)

Unrelenting violence: MAP joins global coalition in highlighting attacks on healthcare (Medical Aid for Palestinians)

Why Israeli Settler Attacks on Palestinians Are Increasing (TIME)

East Jerusalem rocked by sixth night of clashes as Israeli raids in West Bank leave at least two Palestinians dead (CNN)

Israeli police demolish Palestinian family’s Sheikh Jarrah home (The Guardian)

‘The Skunk’: Another Israeli weapon for collective punishment (Al Jazeera)

Reports claim Palestinian baby dies from tear gas during East Jerusalem clashes (The Times of Israel)

Eight-month-old Palestinian baby “dies from tear gas inhalation” (The Independent)

Meet Nerdeen Kiswani, the most targeted Palestinian activist in America (Mondoweiss)

‘Place the Material in the Wells’: Docs Point to Israeli Army’s 1948 Biological Warfare (Haaretz)

Netanyahu Asked Obama to Bomb Iran’s Nuke Installations, Former PM Says in New Book (Haaretz)

Judaism and modern Zionism: From conflict to collaboration (The Jerusalem Post)


Episode 075 - You’re Not Welcome Round Here


Episode 073 - Get Over It but Never Forget