Episode 047 - Civilized Armed Resistance

This week Lara and Michael do a deep dive into the hypocrisy, double standards, and outright racism exhibited by media when covering Ukraine vs. Palestine. We muse about what makes someone civilized and why the media glorifies armed resistance in Ukraine but deems any such action by Palestinians as terrorism. We cover how both pictures of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi and videos of bombs being dropped in Gaza were manipulated to garner support for Ukraine until people found out both happened in Palestine. We cover the preferential treatment Ukrainian refugees receive in contrast to refugees coming from Africa and the Levant. We also discuss how Black people are being stopped from fleeing in Ukraine and the existence of Nazis (funded by the US and Israel) within the ranks of Ukrainian resistance. We talk about a former Air Force Captain for the IOF who says the Israeli government and military are "terrorist organizations run by war criminals" and has started a movement to encourage soldiers to quit. Finally, we discuss an article about young Jews dedicating their social media presence to undoing the brainwashing of Zionism, where Michael is mentioned by name.

To consult the sources used in the preparation of this episode, please see:




Episode 048 - Erasure with Nerdeen Kiswani


Episode 046 - Double Apartheid with Nisreen Salem