Episode 005: Moving the Goalposts with Nora Barrows-Friedman


This week, Lara and Michael sit down with Nora Barrows-Friedman, an award winning journalist, editor, and radio broadcaster. Nora writes and speaks for the Electronic Intifada and its podcast. She also hosts another podcast called “The Brief” dealing with issues of empire and imperialism. The group discusses the passage of anti-BDS laws in the US and the outcome of their latest challenges in the courts. They also cover BDS victories, campus activism, and the Palestine exception to free speech. Condemning the push to codify the new IHRA definition of antisemitism as well as its recent alternative, the so-called "Jerusalem declaration" definition of antisemitism, Nora sets the record straight by recalling the regular old definition of antisemitism. Lara reminds us that the reason why Zionists have been busy pushing to change the definition of antisemitism is due to the fact that BDS, which threatens the inequalities perpetuated by Zionism, is itself an anti-racist call expressly condemning antisemitism and all forms of racism. Utterly unable to discredit BDS, which does not target individuals or entities because of who they are but because of their complicity in oppression, Michael says Zionists have been left with no choice but to “move the goalpost” by lobbying to change the meaning of antisemitism itself. This tactic is used to create a chilling effect and pressure Palestinian rights activist into self-censoring when speaking about Israel’s human rights abuses and violations of international law. The ironic reality is that Zionists’ efforts are themselves anti-Semitic by pushing definitions of antisemitism that conflate Judaism and Zionism, thereby putting the moral weight of a relatively recent and extremely violent settler colonial movement onto an ancient religion. Nora tells us more about her anti-Zionist Jewish upbringing and long-standing commitment to justice and Palestinian human rights.


To consult the sources used in the preparation of this episode, please see:


  1. In Our Power: U.S. Students Organize for Justice in Palestine (Nora Barrows-Freidman)


  1. Nora Barrows-Friedman’s Blog (Electronic Intifada)

  2. The Palestine Exception to Free Speech Full Report (Palestine Legal)

  3. Ten things to know about anti-boycott legislation (Palestine Legal)

  4. A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job (The Intercept)

  5. California - Anti-BDS law (Palestine Legal)

  6. Victory in Arkansas over anti-BDS law (Electronic Intifada)

  7. Missouri, Oklahoma pass anti-BDS laws during pandemic (Electronic Intifada)

  8. Episode 95 - UPDATE: Abby Martin's Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in U‪S‬ (Empire Files)

  9. In Pictures | Insurrection and Anti-Semitism Blend at the Capitol Riots (Moment): “In addition, openly anti-semitic groups shouting pejoratives notably stood alongside Pro-Trump Jews carrying Israeli flags.”

  10. Israel and ‘Pinkwashing’ (New York Times)

  11. Tour de France champ Chris Froome to peddle Israeli propaganda (Electronic Intifada): “The team is called “Israel Start-Up Nation” – a tag line often used in official propaganda efforts aimed at deflecting attention from human rights abuses by portraying the country as innovative and forward-looking.”

  12. Anti-Zionism is a rejection of racism and imperialism, not just criticism of Israel (Mondoweiss)

  13. Butler University blocks Angela Davis event (Electronic Intifada)

  14. Netanyahu greets Hungary’s Orban as “true friend of Israel” (AP)

  15. The Secret Arms Deal Between Israel and Apartheid South Africa (The Daily Beast)

  16. Steven Salaita settles lawsuit with Univ. of Illinois (Electronic Intifada)

  17. University denies tenure to outspoken Holocaust academic (The Guardian)

  18. Too Radical for Harvard? Cornel West on Failed Fight for Tenure, Biden’s First 50 Days & More (Democracy Now)

  19. Israeli app claims victory over ethnic studies in California (Electronic Intifada)

  20. What were the top BDS victories of 2020? (Electronic Intifada): “The European Court of Human Rights upheld the right to boycott Israel when it overturned the criminal convictions against 11 Palestinian rights activists in France, striking a significant blow to Israel’s anti-BDS efforts. The court ruled unanimously that the convictions against the activists for calling on shoppers to boycott Israeli goods violated the European Convention on Human Rights’ guarantee of freedom of expression. Even though France has defied the court’s ruling by telling prosecutors to continue investigating those who call for boycotts of Israel, French activists continue to organize.”

  21. US Palestinian activist defeats Israeli “defamation” lawsuit (Electronic Intifada)

  22. Israeli Lone Soldiers

  23. Bans on Shari'a and International Law (ACLU)

  24. Toronto Officials Pursuing Charges Against Local Business Accused of Antisemitism: “At least two organizations, B’nai Brith Canada and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, have filed complaints with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, which oversees cases involving discrimination. In addition, Foodbenders faces a lawsuit from a Toronto designer who alleges that the business libeled him in a social media post describing him as a terrorist.”

  25. John Hagee Is a Muslim-hating, Antisemitic, Annexationist Extremist. He’s No Friend of Israel (Haaretz)

  26. A Pro-Israel Lawyer is Weaponizing Public Records Law Palestinian Activists (The Intercept)



  29. IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism

  30. Netanyahu to French Jews: ‘Israel is your home’ (Times of Israel)

  31. Rights groups slam Trump’s anti-Semitism executive order (Al Jazeera)

  32. Weaponizing Anti-Semitism, State Department Delegitimizes Human Rights Groups (The American Prospect)

  33. Palestine Legal: Toolkit

  34. Why we should critically welcome the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (Mondoweiss)

  35. White nationalists use tiki torches to light up Charlottesville march (CNN)

  36. BDS condemns antisemitic, fascist forces in Germany and worldwide (BDS)

  37. DePaul students vote to boycott Sabra Hummus (BDS)


  39. Hewlett Packard (HP) Faces $120 Million in Potential Losses Due to its Complicity in Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Human Rights (BDS)

  40. UN rights office issues report on business activities related to settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


Episode 006: Our Mandela is in Jail Right Now


Episode 004: The Charade