Episode 002: All Our Liberation is Linked


In this episode, Lara and Michael cover the latest assertions of the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and the UN Gilad Erdan who, following a trip to the "American south," said he was touched by learning about segregation and the Jim Crow era calling it an "incredibly moving trip." The Times of Israel reports that the ambassador compared slave plantations in the US to concentration camps but said there was "no comparison" between Israel's treatment of Palestinians and struggles for racial justice in the US. Lara and Michael play a quick round of “Sounds like Jim Crow or Not” to test the ambassador’s unsupported assertions on the reality of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians which according to Michael “fold like a house of cards after Kevin Spacey got accused.” Lara and Michael reject the ambassador’s attempts to exploit the Black struggle in the US and erase a deep history of Black-Palestinian solidarity going back to the 1960s and existing until today. Citing the book Black Power and Palestine, Lara and Michael cover the positions of leading Black activists throughout the ages including Malcolm X, Kwame Ture, and Angela Davis, and describe the anti-imperial, anti-colonial, and anti-racist connections that undeniably form the foundation of the solidarity between Black liberation and Palestinian liberation activists. Lara and Michael coin the term “crocodile sympathy” to refer attempts by Pro-Israel apologists to posture themselves as compassionate supporters of equality in situations not involving Palestinian rights, meanwhile hypocritically participating in the system that deprives Palestinians of the very rights they purport to support elsewhere. Lara and Michael offer other examples of crocodile sympathy, including (i) IDF soldiers’ social media posts about donating their hair to cancer patients as they participate in the very institution that denies Palestinians access to health care by bombing hospitals in Gaza, denying permits to seek health care elsewhere, restricting importation of medicine and medical equipment, preventing pregnant Palestinian women from reaching hospitals at checkpoints, and (ii) Israel’s provision of COVID-19 vaccines to Honduras and the Czech Republic while blocking the entrance of COVID-19 vaccines to Gaza, denying 5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza vaccines in violation of its international obligations as an international power, and the demolition of a COVID-19 testing site in the occupied West Bank earlier this year.


To consult the sources used in the preparation of this episode, please see:


  1. Black Power and Palestine: Transnational Countries of Color (Michael R. Fischbach)

  2. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement (Angela Y. Davis)

  3. The Wretched of the Earth (Franz Fanon)

  4. Franz Fanon and Emancipatory Theory: A View from the Wretched (Edited by Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri)

  5. Except for Palestine (Marc LaMont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick)

  6. Uncivil Rites (Steven Salaita)


  1. Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture), another major SNCC organizer and most well-known for having popularized the term “Black Power” said in 1970 that "Israel is a settler colony. European Jews leave Europe, go to Palestine, change the name to Israel, expel the original inhabitants, the Palestinian Arabs and dominate the land." (Black Power and Palestine)

  2. Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture) also said “I have two dreams in my life. My dreams are rooted in reality, not imagery. I dream, number one, of having coffee with my [South African wife] in South Africa, and number two, of having mint tea in Palestine." (Black Power and Palestine)

  3. Steven Salaita wrote “There’s a certain way to show that Israelis are outsiders to the land, but unfortunately it doesn’t much resonate in the United States, in no small part because Americans are fundamentally outsiders to the land they occupy, as well. I speak of olive trees, which exemplify the phrase ‘labor of love.’ The trees take years to bear fruit. Once they do, though, they can provide for centuries. The curved, cragged trees, blending into the tawny environs of surrounding earth, are ubiquitous throughout the West Bank and the Galilee, often arranged in captivating symmetry. Nearly every Palestinian I know owns some type of olivewood icon. Since 1967, Israel has bulldozed more than 800,000 olive trees. [Jewish] settlers routinely destroy orchards, having uprooted more than 11,000 olive trees [in 2014]. [Israeli] officials cite practical reasons for the destruction, all of them involving the apocryphal word ‘security.’ Much of the time, however, they are simply being punitive. A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree. This reality clarifies the so-called complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Who is the indigenous, Jews or Palestinians? A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree. Who is the aggressor? A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree. Who has a deep history on the land? A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree. Who wrecks the environment with irresponsible human settlement? A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree. Even if it is incomprehensible to capitalists, politicians and much of the American public, it is the correct answer to any inquiry about instigations of violence: A Palestinian would never destroy a healthy olive tree.” (Uncivil Rites)


  1. Israeli ambassador seeks to exploit Black struggle in US (Electronic Intifada)

  2. Looking to boost ties with Black community, Erdan tours US civil rights sites: Israeli envoy likens plantations to concentration camps, says ‘no comparison’ between Jerusalem’s policies and struggles for racial justice in US (Times of Israel)

  3. Jim Crow in Palestine: parallels between US and Israeli racism (Electronic Intifada)

  4. More than 120,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished in Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT) since 1948 (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions)

  5. Israel on Track for Record Number of East Jerusalem Home Demolitions (Haaretz)

  6. Palestinians forced to demolish own homes: Israeli rules mean Palestinians in East Jerusalem wreck their own homes to avoid bulldozers and fines (Al Jazeera)

  7. Denied permits, Palestinians raze own homes in Jerusalem (France 24)

  8. Palestinians Marry, But Remain Separated By Israeli Borders: Since Israel prohibits most travel between the Gaza Strip and Israel or the West Bank – Palestinian couples are often forced to live apart (NBC News)

  9. Restrictions on Palestinian movement (Btselem)

  10. Sperm smugglers (Al Jazeera, Documentary)

  11. 'Hypocrisy': AIPAC faces backlash after issuing statement on George Floyd killing: 'At what point in time was AIPAC ever committed to equality, freedom, or justice?' Jewish-led anti-occupation group IfNotNow tweets in response (Middle East Eye)

  12. Lehava head Bentzi Gopstein indicted for incitement to terror, racism (Jerusalem Post)

  13. The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies (Jonathan Cook, Al Jazeera)

  14. Israeli rabbi under fire for calling black people 'monkeys': The chief rabbi of the Sephardic community used two slurs in his speech (ABC News)

  15. When you're a black Jewish American, it's hard to ignore what Netanyahu is doing in Israel (Independent)

  16. With Whom are Many US Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator - Israel (Amnesty International)

  17. Israel Security Forces are Training American Cops Despite History of Rights Abuses: Among the trainees in the latest trip is a Washington D.C. police commander, over the objections of a D.C. city councilmember (The Intercept)

  18. Baltimore police officers 'carried BB guns to plant on unarmed suspects they shot', court hears (Independent)

  19. NYPD cop caught planting stun gun in car by his own bodycam: lawsuit (NY Post)

  20. Exclusive: Body Cam Shows Cop Planting Gun on Innocent Man (YouTube)

  21. Public defender: Every case touched by indicted Baltimore gun task force officers 'irreparably tainted' (Baltimore Sun)

  22. Retired Baltimore Police sergeant allegedly helped plant gun, new indictment in Gun Trace Task Force case says - Gladstone now faces federal civil rights and witness tampering charges for allegedly planting a BB gun at the scene to help the driver, Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, justify striking the man. According to a federal indictment, Jenkins, who is serving 25 years in federal prison for robbing people and dealing drugs, called Gladstone in a panic, and Gladstone left a restaurant and brought the replica weapon to the scene, dropping it under a nearby truck.

  23. Juliano Mer-Khamis once stated that one of his tasks was to carry a weapons bag and if someone was killed by accident, a weapon would be left on the corpse (London Review of Books)

  24. Does the Israeli Army Plant Knives on Palestinians? (Haaretz)

  25. Video: Did Israeli soldier plant knife on teen killed by settler? (Electronic Intifada, Video, Ali Abunimah)

  26. Questions raised over possible Israeli planting of knives on Palestinians (Middle East Eye)

  27. To view the data regarding the lack of accountability re US Police Violence, see Mapping Police Violence

  28. Zionist Logic (Malcolm X)

  29. Black Palestinian Solidarity in the Ferguson Gaza Era (Kristian Davis Bailey, Johns Hopkins University Press)

  30. Palestinians tweet tear gas tips to Ferguson residents (Dazed)

  31. 2015 Black Solidarity Statement with Palestine

  32. Cornel West: ‘My Ridiculous Situation at Harvard’: The activist and scholar on tenure, respect, and the racial politics of higher ed. (The Chronicle)

  33. Time to Break the Silence on Palestine (Michelle Alexander, New York Times)

  34. Address by President Nelson Mandela at International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People, Pretoria

  35. Angela Davis Speaks to Rightwing & anti-Palestinian Attacks on CA Ethnic Studies (YouTube): "As someone who has long supported the Palestinian people, I know that we cannot capitulate here. The field of ethnic studies is not complete without the inclusion of content related to Palestine, Palestinians, and Palestinian-Americans. To attempt to erase the Palestinians from the curriculum is to engage in an intellectual strategy that reiterates the nonrecognition of the Palestinians by the state of Israel. and the political process that Israeli historian Ilan Pappe refers to as ethnic cleansing." Prof. Angela Davis (March 4th, 2021)

  36. Israel illegally recruits Canadian citizens to its army (Electronic Intifada)

  37. Gaza Freedom March Planned for One-Year Anniversary of Israeli Assault (Interview with Hedy Epstein, Democracy Now)

  38. 50,000 Holocaust Survivors in Israel Live in Poverty (Haaretz)

  39. Israel sends COVID-19 vaccines to Syria, Honduras, the Czech Republic, and Guatemala but denies responsibility to vaccinate its Palestinian subjects (Mondoweiss)

  40. “In Israel, you’re 60 times more likely to have a COVID vaccine than in Palestine” (Doctors Without Borders)

  41. Israel demolishes Palestinian coronavirus testing centre in Hebron (Middle East Eye)

  42. ‘Sickening hypocrisy’: Critics slam Israeli army Twitter post (Al Jazeera)

  43. Another Gaza Hospital Hit by Israeli Strike; Four Dead, 40 Hurt (NBC)

  44. Issue of Palestinian pregnant women giving birth at Israeli checkpoints – Human Rights Commissioner report (United Nations)

  45. Obama Book: AIPAC Distorts U.S. policy on Israel, Obama Admits in Book (The Intercept)

  46. Was President Obama's 'Predator Drone' Joke About the Jonas Brothers Offensive? (ABC News)

  47. 'Zionist' Biden in his own words: 'My name is Joe Biden, and everybody knows I love Israel' (Middle East Monitor)

  48. Joe Biden says if Israel didn't exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests (YouTube CPAN)

  49. Israel: In-Depth Look at Gaza School Attacks; 45 People, Including 17 Children, Killed in 3 Attacks (Human Rights Watch)

  50. Articles on Razzan Najjar, the Palestinian medic who was killed by an Israeli sniper (Electronic Intifada)

  51. US Sanctions on the International Criminal Court (Human Rights Watch)


Episode 003: Akhaduha Mafroosheh (They took it furnished) with Amer Zahr


Episode 001: Welcome to the Palestine Pod